Get Figma

Why Figma?

Figma is our preferred collaborative platform to design collaboratively and seamlessly. Design, prototype, develop and collect feedback in a single space through the multiplayer mode.  

Process for requesting a Figma license at Michelin Group

To access the Michelin Group's Figma environment, it is necessary to follow a structured license request process. This process ensures efficient resource management and optimal use of Figma within the organization.

Process steps:

Contact us to ask for a license:

  • Start by contacting us

  • Make sure to provide precise details below about your Figma license needs, including intended use and required duration.

Cost of a license:

  • The cost for one seat to access Figma is 900€ per year. This cost covers access to Figma (Figjam & Dev Mode are not included)

  • Assess your needs and plan your budget accordingly to cover the license cost.

Information about the site and entity:

  • Provide clear information about your site and entity within the Michelin Group. This will help contextualize the request and ensure the correct assignment of the license.

  • Prepare a dedicated section on your site or company intranet to facilitate the request process.

  • This section should include all relevant information related to the Figma license request, including detailed instructions and the link to the request form.


  • Indicate the name and contact details of the person to contact for any questions or clarifications regarding the license request.

  • This person will be the primary contact point for tracking the request and communicating with the Figma team.

Policy about Figma usage for Design production

Compliance and enforcement:

All designers and teams working on Michelin projects are required to comply with this hosting policy. Regular audits and checks will be conducted to ensure adherence. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in corrective actions, and in severe cases, termination of partnerships or disciplinary measures for internal teams.

  • Consistency and standardization: Centralizing design projects in the Michelin UI/UX workspace ensures that all products adhere to the company’s design guidelines and standards.

  • Security: Keeping designs within the Michelin environment ensures better control over who accesses the designs, thereby enhancing security and confidentiality.

  • Efficiency: Centralized hosting facilitates easier collaboration, feedback, and updates, making the design process more efficient and streamlined.

  • Intellectual property protection: By restricting the hosting to the Michelin workspace, the company’s intellectual property and design assets are better protected against unauthorized use or exposure.

Mandatory hosting on Michelin workspace:
When it comes to designing products for Michelin, it is imperative that all such products
are hosted exclusively within the Michelin UI/UX workspace. This is a non-negotiable standard that ensures consistency, security, and quality across all design projects related to Michelin.

Prohibition of hosting in Personal or Partner agency spaces: To maintain the integrity and consistency of Michelin’s design assets, the hosting of any Michelin-related product designs in personal spaces or in workspaces of partner agencies is strictly prohibited. This policy is enforced to ensure that all design elements and projects are easily accessible, controlled, and managed under the Michelin umbrella, thereby safeguarding Michelin’s proprietary designs and intellectual property.

Log in

Log in with Michelin ID

To connect to the Design System, I will need:

  • A Michelin ID (e.g. F012345)
  • Double authentification (with the NetIQ application or by SMS)
  • A password associated with your Michelin ID

I don’t have a Michelin ID and/or email

In order to connect to the Design System, I need:

  • A user ID or an email
  • A password

If you have never accessed the Design System, you can request access via this link.