Commercial Logo
Expresses the Brand’s commitment to offer outstanding performance and strong customer interactions.
Supports the entirety of MICHELIN’s products, services and offers and all their associated communication efforts.

Logo is an identification symbol that represents an organization or a company.
Logo helps users of the product/service to recognize the brand.
Note: Do not create your own logo or recreate Michelin logo. Use given logos provided by Michelin brand center
Expresses the Brand’s commitment to offer outstanding performance and strong customer interactions.
Supports the entirety of MICHELIN’s products, services and offers and all their associated communication efforts.
Expresses the vision, innovation, responsibility, and commitment of the Group
Supports the Group’s institutional initiatives and actions
Unifies the Group’s multi-brand offers aimed at institutional and B2B (All) targets in specific situations
All the anatomy and authorized usage of the Michelin logo is describes in the Brand Center Michelin's Website
Since <mic-logo> is a linked logo, i.e. its image is the only content of the link that leads to the home page, this component must contain :
Moreover, as it will be used to go to a page of the application, by default the home page, the name of the application must be included (appName, default: 'Design System').
the link's URL (link route),
the name of the page to which the link is directed (by default, it is the 'Homepage'),
the image's alternative (thus, the text 'Michelin'),
the application name when appropriately used to return to the current application's home page (example, here it is the Design System),
By default, on Angular, we will therefore have the following content with a simple <mic-logo></mic-logo> component :
<mic-link link="/" ariaLabel="Homepage - Michelin"></mic-link>
The compilation will result in this:
<a target="_self" title="Homepage - Michelin">
<div class="logo-group" style="width: 160px; height: 60px;" aria-hidden="true"></div>
Therefore, for the case of our Design System application, we have the following elements for Angular : <mic-logo ariaLabel="Homepage - Michelin - Design System"></mic-logo>
MICHELIN logo should always be visible on all supports.
Logo should be placed at the leftmost side on the header navigation.
The name of the application should be placed at the right of the logo.
Do not create your own logo or recreate Michelin logo.
Do not distort the proportional of the logo dimensions.
Do not use multiple logos on the same page. And it should only be on header navigation.