Evaluate your application eco-score
One of the first thing to do is to assess impacts of the digital product already built or to be built.
The impact measurement can be done at any time of the project. It helps you to target the points of improvement and their impacts.
The SMI Dev Team made a list of tool that allow to evaluate available here.
GreenIT Analysis
We recommend to use this tool which is a Chrome or Firefox plugin. It allows you to evaluate:
the environmental performance of the functional unit and the associated environmental impacts
the implementation (or not) of the good practices of the web eco-design framework according to test rules and compliance thresholds.
How to use this plugin :
It should be installed on your computer already.
If not, you can install the plugin by following this link depending on your browser :
Chrome web store
Firefox ADD-ONSAfter the installation, go to the website you want to measure. Then right click on your mouse and select inspect:

3. Then click on Green IT in the console to launch an analysis.