The timeline component is a visual indicator that shows progress through a workflow. It can also represent a chronological event/task in a linear order.
It is a visual representation for multiple events or tasks sorted by date.
When to use ?
Use a timeline when you have several tasks or events and want to sort them by date with the newest task appearing at the top of the timeline. Each task provides a description. Tasks may also be sorted by year.
1. Time fill: Line listing events from most recent on top to oldest at the bottom.
2. Date: date indicated for the associated event.
3. Title: title of this event
4. Description: a quick description of this event.
In general, the timeline is placed prominently and is used to view key events. It can be used to summarize the history of an entity or a person.
It can occupy part of the width of the space or all of it. However, the timeline often serves as a synthesis and needs clarity.