Date picker


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Date pickers allow users to select a single or a range of dates.


Date picker allows users to choose and input a date by manually typing the date into the input field or by using a calendar-like dropdown. The user can select a single date, date range or date and time.

When to use

Use date and time pickers when you are asking the user for a time or date, or for scheduling tasks.


  1. Label: Text that indicate the date wanted by the date picker

  2. Date field: Input that indicate the selected date

  3. Icon: A calendar icon to indicate that a calendar will show on click

  4. Calendar: A calendar where the user can select a date or a range of date

  5. Calendar controls: Controls that allow the user to navigate in the calendar

  6. Day: actual date

  7. Selected date: The date selected shows in the Date Field


The label should be speaking in the sense of the user's understanding, rather than in the system's language. The label must be short. The label can be accompanied by an icon.

Date Field

The date format in this field must correspond of the date format use by the user in his everyday life.


A simple icon of a calendar that indicate that a calendar will show up on click in the field.


A calendar that allow the user to select past or future date.

Calendar controls

Tools to navigate across the calendar. The user must be able to select the month, the year and to navigate month by month.


Simple date picker

An input to select one date.

Date range picker

An input to select a time frame.


The calendar should have a fix width and be aligned on the left of the date field.

On mobile :

  • The calendar will go in full page until the user select a date.

  • Use multiple dropdowns to replace the calendar. For example, one dropdown for the day, another for the month and the third for the year. Align these dropdowns on the same line.

Do's & Don'ts


  • Always show the calendar icon in the text field to make it clear to the user entering a date.

  • The calendar must open on the current date, which must be highlighted.

  • Non selectable dates should be grey over and unclickable.


  • Never take off the manual entry.

  • Don't open the calendar to a random date.

Log in

Log in with Michelin ID

To connect to the Design System, I will need:

  • A Michelin ID (e.g. F012345)
  • Double authentification (with the NetIQ application or by SMS)
  • A password associated with your Michelin ID

I don’t have a Michelin ID and/or email

In order to connect to the Design System, I need:

  • A user ID or an email
  • A password

If you have never accessed the Design System, you can request access via this link.